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iPhone 5 使用 RFID 控制 Mac


iPhone 5 開始要內建RFID? 過RFID的技術 可以控制Mac,這個IDEA 不錯! 我比較想要的是當iphone 不見的時候可以幫我找回來!

iPhone5 讓你家中的 Mac 隨處可用


根據 TFTS 的消息,iPhone5 將加入 NFC 晶片及使用 RFID 技術以控制 Mac 電腦實行遠端工作方案。其實早前已經有新聞指出 iPhone5 加入 NFC 晶片目的是為了像八達通一樣成為電子錢包,帳目在 iPhone 上一目瞭然,誰不知原來背後還有更大的計劃。

將來 iPhone 5 在 NFC 晶片的幫助下可硬體認證跟 Mac 作通訊,例如你出國在分公司開會有需要使用別人的 Mac 機 ,當你的 iPhone5 靠近時,讓台 Mac 就即時進行硬件認證然後下載你家中 Mac 機內個人喜好設定、軟件、介面設定、Bookmarks、通訊錄及相片到目前的 Mac 電腦上,令目前的 Mac 機變成如家中電腦工作一樣方便工作。當你離開一定範圍,Mac 機會自動登出並把你所有個人資料消除。

Apple 會依靠雲端計算令 iOS 及 Mac OS 間合作更加無縫,所以將來 iPhone5 不單是你的通訊工具,也是你個人電腦及 Home 資料夾的主要鎖匙



New iPhone 5 with RFID/NFC Support to Control Any Mac/Computer; The Horizontal & The Vertical [Next-gen Apple iPhone Said to Come with Terrible RFID Powers on Board]

Posted November 1st 2010 by Chris Smith under Mobile/Cell Phones

New iPhone 5 with RFID/NFC Support to Control Any Mac/Computer; The Horizontal & The Vertical [Next-gen Apple iPhone Said to Come with Terrible RFID Powers on Board]

    nowBuzz up!

    “We control the horizontal and the vertical” says the intro of a very popular television series, but, come 2011 and the iPhone 5, you’ll be able to recite the same quote when it comes to operating complex machinery (Mac computers mostly) thanks to that new RFID/NFC technology that’s apparently going to be found on board of the next-gen iPhone.

    New iPhone 5 form

    We talked about RFID/NFC technology before, and at the time the iPhone was also mentioned as Apple intends to transform the smartphone into a device that can do a lot more things than your average smartphone. According to a recent source, Apple is going to use near-field communication technology to control any Mac that happens to be close to any iPhone 5 user and, in time, the same technology could be used to control more computers.

    This RFID wizardry could let you use your smartphone to control not only your Mac, but other Apple computers as well. You would be able to load any applications, and use your settings or data on any Mac as long as the iPhone is in the vicinity of the Mac. Removing the iPhone 5 would discontinue your custom activity on the Mac in question and your personal data that you were using on the Mac (settings, overall appearance, bookmarks, preferences, passwords, contacts or pictures) will disappear James Bond style.

    If everything turns out to be true then Apple is probably going to rely a lot more on the cloud with future iOS and Mac OS devices in order to enable such features. Not to mention that current and future Mac OS versions will have to be updated accordingly in order for these new iPhone features to become available to iOS users.

    The iPhone 5 would basically be the key/link between one’s personal files, that one would want to access at any time, and, apparently, any Apple computer that can be paired with the iPhone in order to access that data from the cloud. Neat, but not confirmed by Apple, and we’re in for a long wait before we see Steve Jobs show us the new iPhone 5.

    It will be interesting to see whether other mobile platforms will also include RFID/NFC technology in future OS versions, and yes Google, we mean Android. You have time to work on it until June/July 2011 when the iPhone 5 comes out.

    Via | Post filed under Mobile/Cell Phones

    Read: New iPhone 5 with RFID/NFC Support to Control Any Mac/Computer; The Horizontal & The Vertical [Next-gen Apple iPhone Said to Come with Terrible RFID Powers on Board] » TFTS – Technology, Gadgets & Curiosities
